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Leaving the Building

What have I been called to do?

Each of us wrestle with this question as we follow Christ through every season of our lives. Sure, I know I am to love because Jesus first loved me, and I know He set the example of ministry as a servant. Yet there remains the questions of "How do I love when I'm surrounded by hate?" "Where can I go to meaningfully serve others?" "How do I know if I'm doing it right?"

First of all, God is neither a taskmaster nor a scorekeeper.

God knows the plans He has for me. As I go through my everyday life, I know I have been called for such a time as this. I have been sent to minister right where I am. This perspective shifts all my questions to thoughts of "How can I best love this person in front of me?" "Where do You want me to look?" "Am I listening to the Spirit right now?"

What have we been called to do?

To proclaim our community as a church means we believe we have been called out and called together for a purpose. What we are is as eternally impactful as what we do. Whenever I consider growing in my ability to love and serve I begin with demonstrating God's love in the household of faith. How easy is it to reach out to a brother or sister with an encouraging text or email? It may be a small step but every time we leave the building we become a scattered community on a mission. This does not change our status as a Kingdom Family. We can build each other up in the days of scattering as much as we can in our times of gathering. In fact, the practice of loving and serving one another trains our spiritual muscles so that we are ready for action when it comes to our neighbors.

Exercise your freedom in Christ.

Take a moment to pray. Ask God who could use a thank you note, a message of friendship, or a word of encouragement. When He gives you a name or face, follow through. When Jesus was going, His eyes were always lifted up so He was able to see the needs of others. If I intentionally ask the Holy Spirit to shift my focus outward then my faith is strengthened and I start walking in a Kingdom way. When I pause for a moment to reflect on how Christ loved me it propels my next step to move forward as a servant of the greatest cause in the world. I lose the burdening weight of trying to find my purpose, and I gain the joy of looking to serve His purpose.

Last Sunday Pablo looked at the Spirit-led church of Acts and asked us to consider our love and service. How do I answer the call of God when the church has left the building?


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