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No Other Name

There is no other name like the name of Jesus. This morning I read John 1:1-18 with the Interns and we talked about the impact of knowing Jesus. What has it meant for my life that I know the truth? Not just that I believe in the concept of absolute truth, not that I think there is a truth that makes more sense to me because of how I feel, but I know the truth. I know Him personally and knowing Him has transformed my life. At this point in time, understanding the comprehensive effect of Christ on my life, I was challenged to try to define the spark that started the ball rolling and what I discovered is that the spark still exists.

Most people who know me these days know that I love studying. Anyone who knew me fifteen years ago knew that I despised studying. When I looked closely at this change I was able to point to the fact that knowing the truth has given me the motivation for studying. I have always been interested in world religions and philosophy but my interest always seemed to result in a wandering and even when I found something I could hold on to it was only a temporary feeling of satisfaction. My interest had always been there but the motivation has changed. Now I am not aimlessly looking for answers, I am growing in relationship with the one, true God! My Redeemer, the Creator of all things can be known and there is no end to the amount this relationship can grow. That is an exciting revelation. This has led to a positive motivation in the way I approach everything in my life. At one point I only cared about things that held an immediate appeal for me and I would only pursue things that I was good at or, at least, showed an aptitude for. Now I am motivated to care about anything God puts in front of me just because I trust Him. Through this eagerness I found the joy of bringing other people into this passion for life and truth. Again, not to get them interested in things but to grow in relationship with the one who makes everything interesting and "through whom all things were made." I am so thankful for this spark and the transformative effect it has had on  my life. No other name has brought me such a profound zeal for life, an inspired outlook, a personal understanding of the truth, and is therefore worthy of my praise. What has it meant for you to know the truth?


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